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chara:pavo_user_manual [2018/07/06 10:34]
jones [12.3 Can’t See Starlight on Dectector]
chara:pavo_user_manual [2018/07/06 11:16]
jones [14 Index]
Line 684: Line 684:
 ---- ----
-Next: [[#Dispersion_is_High|Dispersion is High]], Previous: [[#Can_t_See_Starlight_on_Dectector|Can't See Starlight on Dectector]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#Dispersion_is_High|Dispersion is High]], Previous: [[#Can_t_See_Starlight_on_Dectector|Can't See Starlight on Dectector]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.4 Can’t See Laser in PAVO Camera ==== ==== 12.4 Can’t See Laser in PAVO Camera ====
 You need to switch the filter to LP02-568 in order to see the red laser in the image plane or the lenslet plane. For the green laser, use filter FB 500-40. Are the corner cubes in? Did the PAVO shutters get saved in the closed position? You need to switch the filter to LP02-568 in order to see the red laser in the image plane or the lenslet plane. For the green laser, use filter FB 500-40. Are the corner cubes in? Did the PAVO shutters get saved in the closed position?
 ---- ----
-Next: [[#Large-Jump-in-Image-Position|Large Jump in Image Position]], Previous: [[#Can_0027t-See-Laser-in-PAVO-Camera|Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|Large Jump in Image Position]], Previous: [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_PAVO_Camera|Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.5 Dispersion is High ==== ==== 12.5 Dispersion is High ====
 If the dispersion is high or if you can’t find fringes, you may want to check the glass offsets being sent to the LDC controls by the ople server. High dispersion will produce smeared, asymmetric fringes. This is mostly an issue in terms of tracking on the broadband fringes (post-processing is done using small sub-bandpasses). There are three ways to adjust the glass offsets: If the dispersion is high or if you can’t find fringes, you may want to check the glass offsets being sent to the LDC controls by the ople server. High dispersion will produce smeared, asymmetric fringes. This is mostly an issue in terms of tracking on the broadband fringes (post-processing is done using small sub-bandpasses). There are three ways to adjust the glass offsets:
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-Next: [[#LDCs-won_0027t-Home|LDCs won't Home]], Previous: [[#Dispersion-is-High|Dispersion is High]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#LDCs_won_t_Home|LDCs won't Home]], Previous: [[#Dispersion_is_High|Dispersion is High]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.6 Large Jump in Image Position ==== ==== 12.6 Large Jump in Image Position ====
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 ---- ----
-Next: [[#Using-PAVO-with-Secondary-OPLE-and-Secondary-Cosmic-Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]], Previous: [[#Large-Jump-in-Image-Position|Large Jump in Image Position]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#Using_PAVO_with_Secondary_OPLE_and_Secondary_Cosmic_Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]], Previous: [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|Large Jump in Image Position]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.7 LDCs Won’t Home ==== ==== 12.7 LDCs Won’t Home ====
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 ---- ----
-Next: [[#Homing-the-lenslet-stage-_0028motor-1_0029|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]], Previous: [[#LDCs-won_0027t-Home|LDCs won't Home]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#Homing_the_lenslet_stage_motor_1|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]], Previous: [[#LDCs_won_t_Home|LDCs won't Home]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.8 Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris ==== ==== 12.8 Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris ====
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 ---- ----
-Next: [[#If-you-need-to-home-only-one-of-the-PAVO-motors|If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors]], Previous: [[#Using-PAVO-with-Secondary-OPLE-and-Secondary-Cosmic-Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#If_you_need_to_home_only_one_of_the_PAVO_motors|If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors]], Previous: [[#Using_PAVO_with_Secondary_OPLE_and_Secondary_Cosmic_Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.9 Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1) ==== ==== 12.9 Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1) ====
 The zaber motor for the lenslet stage can get stuck while homing. This used to hang up the PAVO server while homing motor 1 during the zzero sequence. As of December 2015, Mike updated the PAVO code so that the zzero process skips the homing of motor 1. However, it still moves the stage to 0 and sends it to the last correct position. Therefore, it is important that motor 1 is “homed” and has a realistic 0 position before running the zzero procedure. The zaber motor for the lenslet stage can get stuck while homing. This used to hang up the PAVO server while homing motor 1 during the zzero sequence. As of December 2015, Mike updated the PAVO code so that the zzero process skips the homing of motor 1. However, it still moves the stage to 0 and sends it to the last correct position. Therefore, it is important that motor 1 is “homed” and has a realistic 0 position before running the zzero procedure.
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 ---- ----
-Next: [[#No-light-in-the-pupil-plane|No light in the pupil plane]], Previous: [[#Homing-the-lenslet-stage-_0028motor-1_0029|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#No_light_in_the_pupil_plane|No light in the pupil plane]], Previous: [[#Homing_the_lenslet_stage_motor_1|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.10 If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors ==== ==== 12.10 If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors ====
Line 767: Line 767:
 ---- ----
-Next: [[#PAVO-Server-_002d-Error-communicating-with-IFW|PAVO Server - Error communicating with IFW]], Previous: [[#If-you-need-to-home-only-one-of-the-PAVO-motors|If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#PAVO_Server_-_Error_communicating_with_IFW|PAVO Server - Error communicating with IFW]], Previous: [[#If_you_need_to_home_only_one_of_the_PAVO_motors|If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.11 No light in the pupil plane ==== ==== 12.11 No light in the pupil plane ====
 The pupil location saved in the pavo_zaber_positions file is not currently set to view the pupil. We found that the position of the zaber mount needed to view the pupil will either send the lenslet stage to a position where the imaging lens hits the side of the camera box cover or that the zaber stage extends so far out that it goes to a bad position. When this happens, the zaber stage will lose home and mess up the LENSLET and IMAGE positions. To avoid this we set the pupil position to a location where the mount for the imaging lens blocks all light from hitting the detector (so as not to confuse observers who might accidentally try to align using the pupil position). If the pupil (without the lenslet in) needs to be viewed, then this position will need to adjusted. The last recorded pupil position was 577,549; this would allow one to view about half of the pupil. The blocked pupil position is currently defined as 350,000. The pupil location saved in the pavo_zaber_positions file is not currently set to view the pupil. We found that the position of the zaber mount needed to view the pupil will either send the lenslet stage to a position where the imaging lens hits the side of the camera box cover or that the zaber stage extends so far out that it goes to a bad position. When this happens, the zaber stage will lose home and mess up the LENSLET and IMAGE positions. To avoid this we set the pupil position to a location where the mount for the imaging lens blocks all light from hitting the detector (so as not to confuse observers who might accidentally try to align using the pupil position). If the pupil (without the lenslet in) needs to be viewed, then this position will need to adjusted. The last recorded pupil position was 577,549; this would allow one to view about half of the pupil. The blocked pupil position is currently defined as 350,000.
 ---- ----
-Previous: [[#No-light-in-the-pupil-plane|No light in the pupil plane]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Previous: [[#No_light_in_the_pupil_plane|No light in the pupil plane]], Up: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ==== 12.12 PAVO Server - Error communicating with IFW ==== ==== 12.12 PAVO Server - Error communicating with IFW ====
 The following error message sometimes appears when starting the PAVO server: "Error communicating with IFW. Could not read from IFW. Is the filter wheel plugged in and on?" Most of the time, restarting the PAVO server will clear this error message and allow PAVO to communicate with the filter wheel. If restarting the server doesn’t help, then check that the cables going into the small, black IFW box on the PAVO table and into the back of the PAVO computer are plugged in securely. The following error message sometimes appears when starting the PAVO server: "Error communicating with IFW. Could not read from IFW. Is the filter wheel plugged in and on?" Most of the time, restarting the PAVO server will clear this error message and allow PAVO to communicate with the filter wheel. If restarting the server doesn’t help, then check that the cables going into the small, black IFW box on the PAVO table and into the back of the PAVO computer are plugged in securely.
 ---- ----
-Next: [[#Index|Index]], Previous: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]], Up: [[#Top|Top]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Next: [[#Index|Index]], Previous: [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]], Up: [[#Top|Top]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ===== 13 Random and Important Notes ===== ===== 13 Random and Important Notes =====
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 ---- ----
-Previous: [[#Random-and-Important-Notes|Random and Important Notes]], Up: [[#Top|Top]] [[[#SEC_Contents|Contents]]][[[#Index|Index]]]+Previous: [[#Random_and_Important_Notes|Random and Important Notes]], Up: [[#Top|Top]] [[#table_of_Contents|Contents]] [[#Index|Index]]
 ===== 14 Index ===== ===== 14 Index =====
-^ Jump to: | [[#Index_cp_letter-A|**A**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-B|**B**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-C|**C**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-D|**D**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-E|**E**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-F|**F**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-G|**G**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-I|**I**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-J|**J**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-L|**L**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-O|**O**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-S|**S**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-T|**T**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-W|**W**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-Z|**Z**]] |+^ Jump to: | [[#A|**A**]] [[#B|**B**]] [[#C|**C**]] [[#D|**D**]] [[#E|**E**]] [[#F|**F**]] [[#G|**G**]] [[#I|**I**]] [[#J|**J**]] [[#L|**L**]] [[#O|**O**]] [[#S|**S**]] [[#T|**T**]] [[#W|**W**]] [[#Z|**Z**]] |
 |   ^ Index Entry |   ^ Section ^ |   ^ Index Entry |   ^ Section ^
-| ---- |||| +===A=== 
-^ [[|A]] |     | +|   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|acquistion, laser]]: |   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | 
-|   | [[#index-acquistion_002c-laser|acquistion, laser]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-See-Laser-in-Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | +|   | [[#Align_Image|align image]]: |   | [[#Align_Image|Align Image]] | 
-|   | [[#index-align-image|align image]]: |   | [[#Align-Image|Align Image]] | +|   | [[#Aligning_PAVO_in_the_Lab|align lab]]: |   | [[#Aligning_PAVO_in_the_Lab|Aligning PAVO in the Lab]] | 
-|   | [[#index-align-lab|align lab]]: |   | [[#Aligning-PAVO-in-the-Lab|Aligning PAVO in the Lab]] | +|   | [[#On-sky_Alignment|align on-sky]]: |   | [[#On-sky_Alignment|On-sky Alignment]] | 
-|   | [[#index-align-on_002dsky|align on-sky]]: |   | [[#On_002dsky-Alignment|On-sky Alignment]] | +|   | [[#Align_Pupil|align pupil]]: |   | [[#Align_Pupil|Align Pupil]] | 
-|   | [[#index-align-pupil|align pupil]]: |   | [[#Align-Pupil|Align Pupil]] | +|   | [[#Align_Wavelength_Scale_in_Lab|align wavelength scale]]: |   | [[#Align_Wavelength_Scale_in_Lab|Align Wavelength Scale in Lab]] | 
-|   | [[#index-align-wavelength-scale|align wavelength scale]]: |   | [[#Align-Wavelength-Scale-in-Lab|Align Wavelength Scale in Lab]] | +|   | [[#Overview_of_Alignment_Steps|alignment overview]]: |   | [[#Overview_of_Alignment_Steps|Overview of Alignment Steps]] | 
-|   | [[#index-alignment-overview|alignment overview]]: |   | [[#Overview-of-Alignment-Steps|Overview of Alignment Steps]] | +===B=== 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Take_Backgrounds|backgrounds]]: |   | [[#Take_Backgrounds|Take Backgrounds]] | 
-^ [[|B]] |     | +|   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|beam order]]: |   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | 
-|   | [[#index-backgrounds|backgrounds]]: |   | [[#Take-Backgrounds|Take Backgrounds]] | +===C=== 
-|   | [[#index-beam-order|beam order]]: |   | [[#Recommendations-for-Setting-Beam-Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | +|   | [[#Cooling_Down_the_PAVO_Camera|camera, cool]]: |   | [[#Cooling_Down_the_PAVO_Camera|Cooling Down the PAVO Camera]] | 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Can_t_Find_Fringes|can’t find fringes]]: |   | [[#Can_t_Find_Fringes|Can't Find Fringes]] | 
-^ [[|C]] |     | +|   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|can’t see laser in acquistion]]: |   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | 
-|   | [[#index-camera_002c-cool|camera, cool]]: |   | [[#Cooling-Down-the-PAVO-Camera|Cooling Down the PAVO Camera]] | +|   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_PAVO_Camera|can’t see laser in pavo camera]]: |   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_PAVO_Camera|Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera]] | 
-|   | [[#index-can_0027t-find-fringes|can’t find fringes]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-Find-Fringes|Can't Find Fringes]] | +|   | [[#Random_and_Important_Notes|choppers]]: |   | [[#Random_and_Important_Notes|Random and Important Notes]] | 
-|   | [[#index-can_0027t-see-laser-in-acquistion|can’t see laser in acquistion]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-See-Laser-in-Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | +|   | [[#Cooling_Down_the_PAVO_Camera|cool camera]]: |   | [[#Cooling_Down_the_PAVO_Camera|Cooling Down the PAVO Camera]] | 
-|   | [[#index-can_0027t-see-laser-in-pavo-camera|can’t see laser in pavo camera]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-See-Laser-in-PAVO-Camera|Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera]] | +===D=== 
-|   | [[#index-choppers|choppers]]: |   | [[#Random-and-Important-Notes|Random and Important Notes]] | +|   | [[#Dispersion_is_High|dispersion, high]]: |   | [[#Dispersion_is_High|Dispersion is High]] | 
-|   | [[#index-cool-camera|cool camera]]: |   | [[#Cooling-Down-the-PAVO-Camera|Cooling Down the PAVO Camera]] | +===E=== 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#PAVO_Engineering_GUI|engineering gui]]: |   | [[#PAVO_Engineering_GUI|PAVO Engineering GUI]] | 
-^ [[|D]] |     | +===F=== 
-|   | [[#index-dispersion_002c-high|dispersion, high]]: |   | [[#Dispersion-is-High|Dispersion is High]] | +|   | [[#Fringe_Finding_Sources|fringe finding star]]: |   | [[#Fringe_Finding_Sources|Fringe Finding Sources]] | 
-| ---- |||| +===G=== 
-^ [[|E]] |     | +|   | [[#PAVO_GUI|gui]]: |   | [[#PAVO_GUI|PAVO GUI]] | 
-|   | [[#index-engineering-gui|engineering gui]]: |   | [[#PAVO-Engineering-GUI|PAVO Engineering GUI]] | +===I=== 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|image position, jump]]: |   | [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|Large Jump in Image Position]] | 
-^ [[|F]] |     | +|   | [[#Random_and_Important_Notes|important notes]]: |   | [[#Random_and_Important_Notes|Random and Important Notes]] | 
-|   | [[#index-fringe-finding-star|fringe finding star]]: |   | [[#Fringe-Finding-Sources|Fringe Finding Sources]] | +|   | [[#Introduction|introduction]]: |   | [[#Introduction|Introduction]] | 
-| ---- |||| +===J=== 
-^ [[|G]] |     | +|   | [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|jump in image position]]: |   | [[#Large_Jump_in_Image_Position|Large Jump in Image Position]] | 
-|   | [[#index-gui|gui]]: |   | [[#PAVO-GUI|PAVO GUI]] | +===L=== 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|laser, acquistion]]: |   | [[#Can_t_See_Laser_in_Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | 
-^ [[|I]] |     | +|   | [[#LDCs_won_t_Home|LDCs won’t home]]: |   | [[#LDCs_won_t_Home|LDCs won't Home]] | 
-|   | [[#index-image-position_002c-jump|image position, jump]]: |   | [[#Large-Jump-in-Image-Position|Large Jump in Image Position]] | +===O=== 
-|   | [[#index-important-notes|important notes]]: |   | [[#Random-and-Important-Notes|Random and Important Notes]] | +|   | [[#Observing_with_PAVO|observing procedures]]: |   | [[#Observing_with_PAVO|Observing with PAVO]] | 
-|   | [[#index-introduction|introduction]]: |   | [[#Introduction|Introduction]] | +|   | [[#Detailed_Observing_Notes|observing procedures]]: |   | [[#Detailed_Observing_Notes|Detailed Observing Notes]] | 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|order, beams]]: |   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | 
-^ [[|J]] |     | +===S=== 
-|   | [[#index-jump-in-image-position|jump in image position]]: |   | [[#Large-Jump-in-Image-Position|Large Jump in Image Position]] | +|   | [[#Using_PAVO_with_Secondary_OPLE_and_Secondary_Cosmic_Debris|secondary ople]]: |   | [[#Using_PAVO_with_Secondary_OPLE_and_Secondary_Cosmic_Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]] | 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Description_of_PAVO_Server_and_GUI|server]]: |   | [[#Description_of_PAVO_Server_and_GUI|Description of PAVO Server and GUI]] | 
-^ [[|L]] |     | +|   | [[#PAVO_Server_Status_Window|server]]: |   | [[#PAVO_Server_Status_Window|PAVO Server/Status Window]] | 
-|   | [[#index-laser_002c-acquistion|laser, acquistion]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-See-Laser-in-Acquistion|Can't See Laser in Acquistion]] | +|   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|setup beams]]: |   | [[#Recommendations_for_Setting_Beam_Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | 
-|   | [[#index-LDCs-won_0027t-home|LDCs won’t home]]: |   | [[#LDCs-won_0027t-Home|LDCs won't Home]] | +|   | [[#Shutting_down_PAVO|shut down]]: |   | [[#Shutting_down_PAVO|Shutting down PAVO]] | 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Starting_PAVO_Software|software setup]]: |   | [[#Starting_PAVO_Software|Starting PAVO Software]] | 
-^ [[|O]] |     | +|   | [[#Can_t_See_Starlight_on_Dectector|starlight, not on detector]]: |   | [[#Can_t_See_Starlight_on_Dectector|Can't See Starlight on Dectector]] | 
-|   | [[#index-observing-procedures|observing procedures]]: |   | [[#Observing-with-PAVO|Observing with PAVO]] | +|   | [[#Description_of_PAVO_Server_and_GUI|status window]]: |   | [[#Description_of_PAVO_Server_and_GUI|Description of PAVO Server and GUI]] | 
-|   | [[#index-observing-procedures-1|observing procedures]]: |   | [[#Detailed-Observing-Notes|Detailed Observing Notes]] | +|   | [[#PAVO_Server_Status_Window|status window]]: |   | [[#PAVO_Server_Status_Window|PAVO Server/Status Window]] | 
-|   | [[#index-order_002c-beams|order, beams]]: |   | [[#Recommendations-for-Setting-Beam-Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | +===T=== 
-| ---- |||| +|   | [[#Troubleshooting|troubleshooting]]: |   | [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] | 
-^ [[|S]] |     | +===W=== 
-|   | [[#index-secondary-ople|secondary ople]]: |   | [[#Using-PAVO-with-Secondary-OPLE-and-Secondary-Cosmic-Debris|Using PAVO with Secondary OPLE and Secondary Cosmic Debris]] | +|   | [[#Align_Wavelength_Scale_in_Lab|wavelength scale]]: |   | [[#Align_Wavelength_Scale_in_Lab|Align Wavelength Scale in Lab]] | 
-|   | [[#index-server|server]]: |   | [[#Description-of-PAVO-Server-and-GUI|Description of PAVO Server and GUI]] | +===Z=== 
-|   | [[#index-server-1|server]]: |   | [[#PAVO-Server_002fStatus-Window|PAVO Server/Status Window]] | +|   | [[#Save_Alignment_Positions|zwrite]]: |   | [[#Save_Alignment_Positions|Save Alignment Positions]] | 
-|   | [[#index-setup-beams|setup beams]]: |   | [[#Recommendations-for-Setting-Beam-Order|Recommendations for Setting Beam Order]] | +|   | [[#Homing_the_lenslet_stage_motor_1|zzero]]: |   | [[#Homing_the_lenslet_stage_motor_1|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]] |
-|   | [[#index-shut-down|shut down]]: |   | [[#Shutting-down-PAVO|Shutting down PAVO]] | +
-|   | [[#index-software-setup|software setup]]: |   | [[#Starting-PAVO-Software|Starting PAVO Software]] | +
-|   | [[#index-starlight_002c-not-on-detector|starlight, not on detector]]: |   | [[#Can_0027t-See-Starlight-on-Dectector|Can't See Starlight on Dectector]] | +
-|   | [[#index-status-window|status window]]: |   | [[#Description-of-PAVO-Server-and-GUI|Description of PAVO Server and GUI]] | +
-|   | [[#index-status-window-1|status window]]: |   | [[#PAVO-Server_002fStatus-Window|PAVO Server/Status Window]] | +
-| ---- |||| +
-^ [[|T]] |     | +
-|   | [[#index-troubleshooting|troubleshooting]]: |   | [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] | +
-| ---- |||| +
-^ [[|W]] |     | +
-|   | [[#index-wavelength-scale|wavelength scale]]: |   | [[#Align-Wavelength-Scale-in-Lab|Align Wavelength Scale in Lab]] | +
-| ---- |||| +
-^ [[|Z]] |     | +
-|   | [[#index-zwrite|zwrite]]: |   | [[#Save-Alignment-Positions|Save Alignment Positions]] | +
-|   | [[#index-zzero|zzero]]: |   | [[#Homing-the-lenslet-stage-_0028motor-1_0029|Homing the lenslet stage (motor 1)]] +
-| ---- ||||+
-^ Jump to: | [[#Index_cp_letter-A|**A**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-B|**B**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-C|**C**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-D|**D**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-E|**E**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-F|**F**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-G|**G**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-I|**I**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-J|**J**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-L|**L**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-O|**O**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-S|**S**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-T|**T**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-W|**W**]] [[#Index_cp_letter-Z|**Z**]] |+^ Jump to: | [[#A|**A**]] [[#B|**B**]] [[#C|**C**]] [[#D|**D**]] [[#E|**E**]] [[#F|**F**]] [[#G|**G**]] [[#I|**I**]] [[#J|**J**]] [[#L|**L**]] [[#O|**O**]] [[#S|**S**]] [[#T|**T**]] [[#W|**W**]] [[#Z|**Z**]] |
 ===== Table of Contents ===== ===== Table of Contents =====
chara/pavo_user_manual.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/03 22:47 by bflores