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chara:fringe_offsets [2024/07/12 13:56]
chara:fringe_offsets [2024/07/12 13:57] (current)
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 The fringe offsets on any given night will depend on the POP configuration and the daily alignment. The table below gives a range of values where the fringes have been found for each cart on multiple nights across different POP configurations. The ranges should at least provide a guide for how far one might need to look to find fringes. The relative offsets between any pair of telescopes can be calculated from the differences between the ranges. The fringe offsets on any given night will depend on the POP configuration and the daily alignment. The table below gives a range of values where the fringes have been found for each cart on multiple nights across different POP configurations. The ranges should at least provide a guide for how far one might need to look to find fringes. The relative offsets between any pair of telescopes can be calculated from the differences between the ranges.
-A new baseline solution was created on 2024Jul08 and has been set as the default on UT 2024Jul11. The solution is based on mircx/mystic observations from UT 2024Apr04 through 2024Jul02. It was created using Aaron's python baseline solution code (beams fixed; XYZ, light, and pops optimized). We used a limited date range in attempt to keep the offsets closer to zero. The following link shows the [[:chara:files:figure_optimal_2024Jul08.png|sky coverage]].+A new baseline solution was created on 2024Jul08 and has been set as the default on UT 2024Jul11. The solution is based on mircx/mystic observations from UT 2024Apr04 through 2024Jul02. It was created using Aaron's python baseline solution code (beams fixed; XYZ, light, and pops optimized). We used a limited date range in attempt to keep the offsets closer to zero. The following link shows the {{:chara:files:figure_optimal_2024jul08.png?linkonly|sky coverage}} .
 S1: -0.51 mm to +0.62 mm\\ S1: -0.51 mm to +0.62 mm\\
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 initast /ctrscrut/chara/etc/telescopes.chara.2024_06_27 initast /ctrscrut/chara/etc/telescopes.chara.2024_06_27
-{{:chara:files:baseline_offsets_2024_jun28_29_30_jul01.pdf|Offsets plotted against hour angle, elevation, and time for UT 2024 Jun 28 - Jul 01.}}+{{:chara:files:baseline_offsets_2024_Jul_11_12.pdf|Offsets plotted against hour angle, elevation, and time for UT 2024 Jul 11 - Jul 12.}}
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chara/fringe_offsets.1720806979.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/12 13:56 by gail_stargazer