
Note: When downloading files, some browsers may write to the window rather to the disk. To avoid this under OpenVMS when running Netscape, press the right mouse button on the file name and select "Save Link As...". To avoid this on a Macintosh running Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, hold the option key down before clicking on the file name, or hold the control key down before clicking and then select "Save Link As...", "Download Linked File", or "Download Linked file As...", as the case may be. To avoid this on a Linux system running Netscape, Mozilla, or Firefox, press the right Mouse button on the file name and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Link Target As...", or hold down the shift key or the control key, before clicking on the file name.


This includes the enhanced SAOimage communication package for OpenVMS and Unix, the MIIPS plot package for OpenVMS and Unix, the binary star combined solution for OpenVMS and Unix, the Grades program for OpenVMS and Unix, the MIIPS package for OpenVMS and much more - a total of over 2000 files. You will need about 78 MB free space on your drive.

Use unzip and Backup to extract. After unzipping, use the command "BACKUP MIIPS.BCK/SAVE [*...]" from a priviledged account.


The Unix version does not include the enhanced SAOimage communication package, the binary star combined solution package, nor the Grades package. These may be downloaded separately.