Research Interests

  • I am an astrophysicist with particular interests in astrophysical fluid dynamics, plasma astrophysics and relativistic astrophysics.
  • Many of my efforts involve producing analytical and numerical models of radio galaxies, astrophysical jets, quasars and blazars.
    The cosmological evolution of radio galaxies and its implication for large-scale structure in the universe is one focus of my attention.
    I'm also interested in accretion disks in both active galactic nuclei (AGN) and in microquasars in our own galaxy.
  • I collaborate in analysis of radio, optical and X-ray observations of different types of radio sources and many classes of AGN.
    Studies of rapid optical and X-ray variability in different classes of AGN are of continuing interest to me.
  • My experimental interests are in fluid dynamics, particularly the study of instabilities in two-fluid flows.
  • I'm happy to talk to TCNJ students about working with me on research projects in any of the above areas.

    More information about my research interests can be obtained by looking at the linked publications below.


    Search for all papers on on NASA's Astrophysical Data Service (ADS)

    Selected publications, most with links to full articles, are below.

    Selected Recent Publications

    Most of the following papers have co-authors who are listed here only for papers published in 2006 or later;
    co-authors of earlier papers can be found in my CV, the ADS link above or on the individual papers.

    The links below since are to abstracts (on which then offer the full text in either postscript or pdf formats.
    Note that the cited journal versions may be more
    up-to-date than the posted version and the ADS search link above is more complete.