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Astro2020 Decadal Review Activities

This page summarizes activities to promote long-baseline optical/infrared ground-based astronomy in the Astro2020 decadal survey. This includes 14 Science White Papers and 6 White Papers on Activity, Project, and State of Profession Considerations (APC).

Science White Papers #ScienceWP

Stars at High Spatial Resolution
Carpenter, K., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 56

Exploring Active Supermassive Black Holes at 100 Micro-arcsecond Resolution
Kishimoto, M., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 156

High Angular Resolution Astrophysics: Evolutionary Impact of Stellar Mass Loss
Gies, D., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 171

Observing Planetary Systems in the Making
Isella, A., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 174

High Angular Resolution Astrophysics: Resolving Stellar Surface Features
Roettenbacher, R., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 181

Cool, evolved stars: results, challenges, and promises for the next decade
Rau, G., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 241

High Angular Resolution Astrophysics: Fundamental Stellar Parameters
van Belle, G., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 281

Precision Analysis of Evolved Stars
Ridgway, S., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 322

Binary and Multiple Star Systems at High Angular Resolution
Schaefer, G., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 483

Stellar Physics and Galactic Archaeology using Asteroseismology in the 2020's
Huber, D., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 488

Imaging the Key Stages of Planet Formation
Monnier, J., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 498

High Angular Resolution Astrophysics in the Era of Time Domain Surveys
Schaefer, G., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 502

The Future of Exoplanet Direct Detection
Monnier, J., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 514

Fundamental Physics with Brown Dwarfs: The Mass-Radius Relation
Burgasser, A., et al. 2019, BAAS, 51, 214

Activities, Projects, or State of the Profession Consideration - APC White Papers

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