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Text Commands for CHARA GUIs

Most guis can be opened from an icon on the desktop. For those that cannot, use these text commands for GUI startup:

Weather: weathergtk
Scope Monitor: scopemon
Shutters: shutgtk
Telescope GUIs: telescopegtk XX example: telescopegtk S1

Obsgtk: obsgtk S1

Dome GUIs: domegtk XX example: domegtk S1
Tiptilt: tiptiltgtk
LDC1: espgtk LDC1
LDC2: espgtk LDC2
PERI1: espgtk PERI1
PERI2: espgtk PERI2
OPLE: opletab u1 (For primary OPLE)
new PoPs with PERIs: popperigtk
POPS: popgtk
Socket Manager: sockman

chara/text_commands_for_chara_guis.1580855332.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 17:28 by charaobs