CHARA Staff at Mount Wilson
Narsireddy Anugu - Optical Systems Scientist - astronomical instrumentation, software, young stellar objects and stellar evolution
Theo ten Brummelaar - Emeritus Director - stellar interferometry, atmospheric turbulence theory
Victor Castillo - Assistant Site Manager
Chris Farrington - Chief Operations Scientist - scheduling, duplicity surveys
Becky Flores - Graduate Research Assistant - Array Operator, low mass binary stars
Rainer Köhler - Postdoctoral Research Associate - CMAP mobile telescope project, adaptive optics, interferometry
Karolina Kubiak - Postdoctoral Research Associate - Adaptive optics, Optical alignments
Cyprien Lanthermann - Visitor Support Scientist - CLASSIC++ Development, Massive Stars
Robert Ligon - Instrument Scientist - astronomical instrumentation, mobile telescope project
Olli Majoinen - Interferometer Array Operator
Heven Renteria - Interferometer Array Operator
Steve Ridgway - Adjunct Professor - infrared astronomy, interferometry, stellar evolution
Gail Schaefer - Director of the CHARA Array - young binary stars, circumstellar disks
Nic Scott - Telescope Systems Scientist - astronomical instrumentation, interferometry (long-baseline, speckle), exozodiacal dust
Nils Turner - Technology Scientist - adaptive optics, optical and IR interferometry
Norm Vargas - Assistant Site Manager
Larry Webster - Optics Specialist
Craig Woods - Site Manager
Local Contact Phone Numbers - CHARA Array
Main Office: 626-796-3730
Control Room: 626-796-8468
Faculty and Staff at Georgia State University in Atlanta
Douglas Gies - Director of CHARA and Regents' Professor - Be star phenomena, hot stars, stellar winds
Fabien Baron - Associate Professor - interferometric imaging and modeling of stars, YSOs, AGNs
Jeremy Jones - CHARA Data Scientist - Ages of A type stars, rapidly rotating stars
Hal McAlister - Regents' Professor Emeritus - fundamental stellar properties
Deepak Raghavan - Adjunct Scientist - exoplanet systems, stellar multiplicity
Alicia Rice - Business Manager
Stephen Ridgway - Adjunct Professor - NOIRLab contact for open access time
Russel White - Associate Professor - stars, brown dwarfs and planet formation
Graduate Students in Atlanta
Becky Flores - Graduate Research Assistant - Low Mass Binary Stars
KhaDeem Coumarbatch - Graduate Research Assistant - Solar Analogs
Colin Kane - Graduate Research Assistant - Rapid rotator convection models
Madison Leblanc - Graduate Research Assistant - Interacting Binaries
Mahir Patel - Graduate Research Assistant - Open cluster ages
Peter Wysocki - Graduate Research Assistant - Be Stars
Caleb Abbott (Ph. D. 2022) - Postdoctoral Associate at University of Notre Dame
Matt Anderson (Ph. D. 2022) - Research Scientist at Georgia Tech Research Institute
Ellyn Baines (Ph.D. 2007) - Research Scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory.
Tabetha Boyajian (Ph.D. 2009) - Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University.
David Berger (Ph.D. 2003) - Chief Scientist at Evans Berger Scientific.
Thomas Fallon (Ph.D. 2003) - Professor at Kennesaw State University.
Christopher Farrington (Ph.D. 2009) - Night Operations Manager at the CHARA Array.
Kathryn Gordon (Ph.D. 2018) - Assistant Professor at University of Tampa.
Jeremy Jones (Ph.D. 2016) - Data Scientist at the CHARA Array.
Katie Lester (Ph.D. 2020) - Postdoctoral Fellow at NASA Ames.
Arturo Martinez (Ph.D. 2021) - Research Scientist at Bay Area Environmental Research Institute and NASA Ames Research Center
Ryan Norris (Ph.D. 2019) - Assistant Professor of Astronomy at New Mexico Tech.
David O’Brien (Ph.D. 2011) -
Chad Ogden (Ph.D. 2005) - Optical Engineer at L3Harris Technologies.
Deepak Raghavan (Ph.D. 2009) - Adjunct Faculty at Georgia State University.
James Robert Parks (Ph.D. 2014) - Instructor at Louisiana State University.
Noel Richardson (Ph.D. 2012) - Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Nic Scott (Ph.D. 2015) - Research Scientist at the CHARA Array.
Katherine Shepard (Ph.D. 2024) - Senior Lecturer at Vanderbilt.
Yamina Touhami (Ph.D. 2013) - Risk management consultant, Atlanta.
Wean-Shun Tsay (Ph.D. 1989) -
Nils Turner (Ph.D. 1998) - IT/Research Scientist at the CHARA Array