The CHARA Array offers about 50 nights per year of open access time to the astronomical community through the NOIRLab peer review system. As part of this new initiative, we plan to hold a number of one-day workshops at different locations over the next few years. Our goals are to expand the user base for stellar interferometry and encourage new scientific investigations that will use the CHARA Array. The workshop will provide an overview on interferometry, the science capabilities of the CHARA Array, and how to prepare and apply for observing time.
Topics that will be covered during the workshops include:
- Stellar astrophysics at high angular resolution
- Principles of stellar interferometry
- Overview of the CHARA Array and other interferometers
- How to apply for time at the CHARA Array
- Observing strategies and planning for interferometric observations
- Overview of modeling and imaging software
Upcoming Community Workshops
If you would like to attend one of the upcoming workshops, please register using the links above. To schedule a CHARA Community Workshop at your institution, please contact Gail Schaefer (gschaefer at
Past Workshops
- Proposal Preparation Office Hours - September 12, 2024
- AAS Special Session on "Optical Long Baseline Interferometry: Your Next Essential Research Tool" in New Orleans, LA on January 10, 2024
- CHARA Science Meeting (Mar 13-15, 2023) and Imaging Workshop (Mar 16-17, 2023)
- Betelgeuse Centenary Celebration - Sunday, December 13, 2020 (Virtual WebEx Meeting)
- CHARA Summer Seminars - Summer 2020 (WebEx Virtual Meetings)
- AAS Special Session on "Imaging Stars: A Century of Advances in High Angular Resolution Astronomy" in Honoululu, Hawaii on January 7, 2020
- AAS Splinter Session on High Angular Resolution Astronomy on Tuesday, January 8, 2019
- Boston University, Massachusetts on Monday, July 30, 2018
- University of Texas at Austin on Friday, June 15, 2018
- Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday, April 26, 2018
- 231st AAS Meeting in Washington, DC on Sunday, January 7, 2018
- Caltech/IPAC in Pasadena, California on Sunday, October 8, 2017
- University of Toledo in Ohio on Friday, September 8, 2017
- Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, CA on March 15, 2017