CHARA Summer Seminar 2020
WebEx Virtual Meetings
Wednesdays at 4 pm EDT = 1 pm PDT.
We are hosting a series of eight WebEx seminars in June and July, 2020 on observing with the CHARA Array interferometer. The goal is to present a practical introduction on how to observe and analyze CHARA observations. We hope that graduate students may find these helpful, but participation is open to anyone. Each seminar will run for 60 minutes with the last 10 minutes reserved for Q&A. Please contact Doug Gies if you are interested in joining the sessions.
Date | Speakers | Presentation | Slides |
June 3 | Theo ten Brummelaar Fabien Baron |
June 10 | Gail Schaefer | CHARA Instruments, Web Resources, and Observing Proposals | Beam Combiners |
June 17 |
Theo ten Brummelaar |
Remote observing and data reduction. Observing and Data Reduction with CLASSIC/CLIMB |
June 24 | Jeremy Jones (Dan Huber) |
Observing and Data Reduction with PAVO | PAVO |
July 1 | Robert Klement | Observing and Data Reduction with VEGA | VEGA |
July 8 | Tyler Gardner Arturo Martinez |
Observing and Data Reduction with MIRC-X | MIRC-X |
July 15 | Fabien Baron | OITOOLS library (data handling, plotting, model-fitting, imaging) | |
July 22 |
Russel White |
Science Opportunities | Science Opportunities |
Click on title of presentation to watch the video recording.