CHARA Community Workshop
231st AAS Meeting, Washington, DC
Gaylord National Convention Center - Potomac Ballroom 6
Sunday, January 7, 2018
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designing and Implementing Observations with the CHARA Array Interferometer
We will hold a CHARA Community Workshop at the AAS Meeting in Washington, DC on Sunday, January 7, 2018. This is part of our new initiative to offer 50 nights per year of open access time at the CHARA Array to the astronomical community through the NOAO time allocation process. The workshop will provide tutorials on interferometry, the science capabilities of the Array, and how to prepare and apply for observing time. There will be time for participants to discuss their ideas and plans for developing science programs.
Topics that will be covered during the workshop include:
- Principles of stellar interferometry
- Overview of the CHARA Array and other interferometers
- Science review of recent results from interferometry
- Observing strategies and planning for interferometric observations
- How to apply for time at the CHARA Array
- Overview of modeling and imaging software
All workshop organizers and attendees must be registered to attend the AAS meeting. There is an additional $35 fee to register for the CHARA Community Workshop. If you've already registered for the AAS meeting and would like to add the workshop, you can sign in and modify your registration.
The workshop will be at the Gaylord National Convention Center in the Potomac Ballroom 6.
Download the workshop poster (pdf)