CHARA Community Workshop
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
Thursday, April 26, 2018
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Milliarcsecond Astronomy with the CHARA Array
We will hold a CHARA Community Workshop at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday, April 26, 2018. The workshop will take place on the last day of the STScI symposium on the 21st Century H-R Diagram: The Power of Precision Photometry.
The CHARA workshop will provide tutorials on interferometry, the science capabilities of the CHARA Array, and how to prepare and apply for observing time. This is part of our new initiative to offer 50 nights per year of open access time to the astronomical community through the NOAO time allocation process. During the workshop, there will be time for participants to consult with CHARA staff about their plans for science programs.
Topics that will be covered during the workshop include:
- Stellar astrophysics at high angular resolution
- Principles of stellar interferometry
- Overview of the CHARA Array and other interferometers
- How to apply for time at the CHARA Array
- Observing strategies and planning for interferometric observations
- Overview of modeling and imaging software
View the schedule and the list of participants in the links below:
Download the workshop poster (pdf)