The CHARA collaboration gathered on the University of Michigan campus in the Forum Hall of Parker Commons for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2013. The meeting was superbly hosted by John Monnier and opened with welcoming remarks from UM Astronomy Department Chair Joel Bregman. The scientific program was once again organized by Theo ten Brummelaar, CHARA's Associate Director. A reception was held at Cafe Cabana in downtown Ann Arbor on the first evening of the meeting, and the group visited the wonderful Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn on that Tuesday afternoon. A "polar vortex" gave us a memorable late winter experience complete with just the right amount of snow! All attendees appreciated the experience to once again share our activities with each other in the very hospitable setting arranged by John Monnier.

Group Photo

List of talks 

Topic Speaker
Introductory Comments Hal McAlister, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta
CHARA Adaptive Optics Telescope Infrastructure Laszlo Sturmann, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
CHARA Phase I AO WFS Design and On-Sky Tests Xiao Che, U Michigan, Ann Arbor
VLTI Update Francoise Delplanke, ESO, Garching
Developments at the NPOI During 2013-2014 Don Hutter, USNO, Flagstaff
LBTI Update Rafael Millan-Gabet, Caltech NExScI, Pasadena
MROI Update Michelle Creech-Eakman, New Mexico Tech, Socorro
Observing Report Norm Vargas, CHARA, Mount Wilson
Observing Procedures in Transition Judit Sturmann, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
Weather and Seeing Statistics Nils Turner, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
Classic, CLIMB, and Obstructions to the View Theo ten Brummelaar, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
PAVO Analysis and SUSI Update Mike Ireland, Australian Nat. U., Canberra
Status Report on VEGA and Moving Towards FRIEND Denis Mourard, OCA, Nice
MIRC/CHAMO Update John Monnier, U. Michigan, Ann Arbor
Observations and the New Spectral Mode of JouFLU Nic Scott, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
A Low-Noise HAWAII Detector and New Cold Optics for CLIMB Observations of Faint Objects Gerd Weigelt, MPIfR, Bonn
Special Projects John Monnier, U. Michigan, Ann Arbor
Laboratory Adaptive Optics Mike Ireland, Australian Nat. U., Canberra
How to Git CHARA Software Development Under Control Brian Kloppenborg, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta
A Comparison of Classic/CLIMB Pipeline Reductions of YSOs Brian Kloppenborg, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta
The Impact of Sepctroscopic Observations on NPOI Data Analysis Christopher Tycner, Central Michigan U., Mount Pleasant
Update on VISION Victor Garcia, Tennessee State U., Nashville
What Could We Do with Cutting-Edge Visible Detectors, Fibres, and Photonics Ettore Pedretti, Heriot Watt U., Edinburgh
Imaging Interacting Binaries with CHARA Fabien Baron, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta
Continuing Kepler's Legacy: PAVO/CHARA Follow-up of K2 and SONG Targets Daniel Huber, SETI Institute, NASA Ames
A Stars in the Ursa Major Moving Group Jeremy Jones, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta
NPOI Observations of 80 Stars and the Limb-Darkening Laws that Love Them Ellyn Baines, NRL, Washington
The SFP and Massive Binaries Project Christopher Farrington, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
The Massive Binary MWC 314: Constraints from Spectroscopy, Photometry, and CHARA Noel Richardson, U. Montreal
The Late Youth of Fast Rotating Stars: Connecting the Environment and Photosphere of 51 Oph Narges Jamialahmadi, OCA, Nice
Microlensing Observations with an Interferometer Arnaud Cassan, Inst. Astrophysics, Paris
Imaging the RS CVn Variable sigma Geminorum Rachel Roettenbacher, U Michigan, Ann Arbor
Expansion Rate of Nova Del 2013 Gail Schaefer, GSU/CHARA, Mount Wilson
Overview and Current State of the VEGA Scientific Programs Anthony Meilland, OCA, Nice
Long-Range Plans and CHARA++ Gerard van Belle, Lowell Obs., Flagstaff
Closing Remarks Hal McAlister, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta