Members of the CHARA Collaboration meeting met on the campus of the Pôle Universitaire Saint-Jean d'Angély in Nice France on the Côte d'Azur to discuss the scientific and instrumentation developments of the year.
Group Photo 
Topic | Speaker |
The CHARA Strategic Plan | Douglas Gies, GSU/CHARA, Atlanta |
Update on the Adaptive Optics Program, Funding, and the MSIP proposal | Theo ten Brummelaar, GSU/CHARA, Mt. Wilson |
Seven Years of CHARA/NOAO Community Access | Steve Ridgway, NOAO, Tucson |
Update on the NPOI | Gerard van Belle, Lowell Obs., Flagstaff |
An Update on the VLTI | Jean-Philippe Berger, ESO |
The Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer: A New Path to First Light | Chris Haniff, University of Cambridge |
Observing and Scheduling Follies | Christopher Farrington, GSU/CHARA, Mt. Wilson |
Weather, Seeing and Other Sundries | Nils Turner, GSU/CHARA, Mt. Wilson |
Telescope Alignment After AO Installation | Lazlo Sturmann, GSU/CHARA, Mt. Wilson |
New Findings About Alignment with AO | Judit Sturmann, GSU/CHARA, Mt. Wilson |
GRAVITY Aquistion Camera | Anugu Narsireddy, University of Porto |
MIRCx: Enabling 6-Telescope Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks | Stefan Kraus, University of Exeter |
Plans for the New K-band Combiner MYSTIC | John Monnier, University of Michigan |
ALOHA: General Presentation of the Project and Current Efforts | François Reynaud, XLIM |
On-sky Ability of ALOHA/CHARA at 1.55 μm to Detect Astronomical Sources in H | Pascaline Darré , XLIM |
Implementation of ALOHA Up-conversion Interferometer at 3.39 μm(L Band) | Ludovic Szemendera, XLIM |
Nearby Red Supergiants with the CHARA Interferometer | Miguel Montargès , IRAM |
Complex Closure Amplitudes: Useful? | Fabien Baron , CHARA/GSU Atlanta |
PAVO Science Update | Tim White , University of Aarhus |
VEGA: Status and Science Overview | Nicolas Nardetto , Lagrange/OCA |
Long Baseline Interferometry in the Visible: First Results of the FRIEND Project | Marc-Antoine Martinod, Lagrange/OCA |
Diameters and Effective Temperatures of Benchmark Stars | Orlagh Creevey, Lagrange/OCA |
Fundamental Properties of O- and B-type Stars | Katie Gordon (Presented by Doug Gies), CHARA/GSU Atlanta |
Data Analysis and Preliminary Results of the JouFLU Exozodi Survey | Paul Nunez, JPL Pasadena |
Results from the Exozodi Variability Study | Nicolas Scott, CHARA/GSU Mt. Wilson |
Imaging the Pleiades | Florentin Millour, Lagrange/OCA |
Updates on an Imaging Survey of Red Supergiants with MIRC | Ryan Norris, CHARA/GSU Atlanta |
Imaging Spotted Giant Stars | Rachel Roettenbacher, University of Michigan |
Interferometric Observations of Microlensing Events | Clément Ranc, IAP/Paris |
Unlocking the Potential of Cepheids as Primary Distance Calibrators | Pierre Kervella, OBSPM & CNRS UMI-FCA Chile |
Flux Distribution at the Surface of Rotating Cool Stars | Michel Rieutord, OMP/Toulouse |
Last Results on the Characterization of Exoplanets and their Stellar Hosts with VEGA/CHARA | Roxanne Ligi, Lagrange/OCA |
The Ages of A-Stars | Jeremy Jones, CHARA/GSU Atlanta |
Overview of MIRC Observations of Be Stars in 2015 | Gail Schaefer, CHARA/GSU, Mt. Wilson |
Introduction - Science with Visible Beam Combiners | Denis Mourard, OCA |
The Visible Light Roadmap | Nicolas Nardetto, |
Imaging from IR to Visible | John Monnier, Univeristy of Michigan |
Imaging with Spectral Resolution | Florentin Millour, Lagrange/OCA |
Large Science Program on Fundamental Parameters of Stars | Denis Mourard, OCA |
First Results on an Integrated Optics 3T Multiaxial Beam Combiner for New Generation Instrument VEGA/CHARA | Guillermo Martin (Presented by Karine Perraut) |
Point of View from PAVO | Mike Ireland, ANU |
Update on VISION | Gerard van Belle, Lowell Obs., Flagstaff |
Introduction-Interfacing with Adaptive Optics and Fringe Tracking | Denis Mourard, OCA |
Optimization of Coupling between AO and SMF | Cyril Petit, ONERA |
Fringe Tracking and Gravity | Karine Perraut, IPAG |
MYSTICx as a Fringe Tracker | Stefan Kraus, Univesity of Exeter |
Introduction- Control Oeration DRS | Denis Mourard, OCA |
Open Questions | Jean-Michel Clausse, OCA |
CHARA Control and Software Point of View | Theo ten Brumelaar, CHARA/GSU, Mt. Wilson |
JMMC Point of View | Gilles Duvert |
Project Organization | Denis Mourard, OCA |
CHARA Project Organization Point of View | Theo ten Brumelaar, CHARA/GSU, Mt. Wilson |