2024 CHARA Science Meeting and Quantum Horizons Workshop

The 2024 CHARA Science Meeting will be held hosted by NOIRLab in Tuscon, AZ on March 12-14, 2024. The meeting will be preceded by a workshop on "Charting Quantum Horizons: Establishing a Roadmap for Microarcsecond Astronomy" on March 11, 2024.

2023 CHARA Science Meeting and Imaging Workshop

The 2023 CHARA Science Meeting will be held in Atlanta, GA on March 13-15, 2023 in hybrid format. The meeting will be followed by a Workshop on Imaging and Modeling in Inteferometry on March 16-17, 2023.

2022 CHARA Science Meeting

The 2022 CHARA Science Meeting will be held at the University of Exeter in the UK on April 25-29, 2022 in a hybrid format.

2021 Virtual CHARA Meeting

The 2021 CHARA Science Meeting will be held virtually on March 15-19, 2021

2020 CHARA Science Meeting (POSTPONED)

The 2020 CHARA Science Meeting was scheduled to be held at the University of Exeter in the UK on April 20-24, 2020, but has been postponed until 2022.


2019 CHARA Science Meeting

The 2019 CHARA Science Meeting will be held at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona on March 18-20, 2019.

2018 CHARA Science Meeting

The 2018 CHARA Science Meeting was be held at the Observatoire de Meudon in France on March 12-14, 2018.

CHARA Futures Meeting

The CHARA Futures Meeting was held at the CHARA Array on Friday, September 22, 2017.  The meeting provided an opportunity to consider possible future developments for the CHARA Array while enjoying the inspiring setting of Mount Wilson.

2017 CHARA Science Meeting

The 2017 CHARA Science Meeting and Community Workshop was held at Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California on March 13-16, 2017.

2016 Meeting Year Twelve Science Review

Members of the CHARA Collaboration meeting met on the campus of the Pôle Universitaire Saint-Jean d'Angély in Nice France on the Côte d'Azur to discuss the scientific and instrumentation developments of the year.

2015 Meeting: Year Eleven Science Review

The CHARA collaboration gathered on the Georgia State University campus in the Aderhold Learning Center for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2014 with an emphasis on the advent of adaptive optics at the Array.

2014 Meeting: Year Ten Science Review

The CHARA collaboration gathered on the University of Michigan campus in the Forum Hall of Parker Commons for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2013.

2013 Meeting: CHARA/NPOI Collaboration

CHARA joined forces with astronomers from the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer to discuss scientific and technical issues of common interest.  The meeting was hosted at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.

2012 Meeting: CHARA Year Eight Science Review

For the second year in a row, members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at GSU in the Aderhold Learning Center for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2011.

2011 Meeting: Year Seven Science Review

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at GSU in Atlanta for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2010.

2010 Meeting: Year Six Science Review

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at Caltech in Pasadena for a three-day review of scientific and technical progress made during 2009.

2009 Meeting: Year Five Science Review

Although there was not a gathering of the CHARA Collaboration in 2008, we made up for that omission with a wonderful three-day meeting to review our fifth year of CHARA Array science at the Nice Observatory.

2007 Meeting: Year Three Science Review

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City for a two-day review of scientific and technical

2006 Meeting: Year Two Science Review

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at the National Optical Astronomical Observatory in Tucson, AZ for a four-day review of progress made during the second year of science operations.

2005 Meeting: Year One Science Summary

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at l’Observatoire de Paris to discuss the first full year of research at CHARA devoted almost entirely towards scientific observations.

Workshop On Imaging with Ground-based Optical Interferometers

Members of the CHARA collaboration gathered at l’Observatoire de Paris to discuss the first full year of research at CHARA devoted almost entirely towards scientific observations.